Sunday, September 21, 2008

High School Reunion

Next summer will be my 10 year reunion. I can't believe I am that old! I really still feel like I am back in high school sometimes (regardless of the fact I am married, have 3 kids, have aches and pains I have never had, etc....) Anyway, I am helping to plan our reunion which will happen next July. I got the idea of having a blog for our class from a friend of mine. I found it is pretty easy, so here I am doing one for our family:) We were the huskies, hence the mascot. Our colors were green and gold. You can check out my class website at It is totally in the beginning stages, and I will be updating it often, so that is why it is so bare right now.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

What is the blog address for the reunion?