Friday, October 30, 2009

Perfect Pic Opportunity.......passed

Dang. Yesterday I was having a presidency meeting at my house when Grace walks in the kitchen with mascara all over her forhead and eyes and lipstick surrounding her mouth. I was so stressed and frusterated that I didnt' even think to take a pic. How funny that would be to look at right now. Ughhhhh, I guess I should leave my makeup down again so she can get into it again, and then i can get a pic then:)

Be Happy

So I have been extremely busy lately, which tends to equal me being extremely stressed. I feel bad for my kids becuase they always seem to be the ones who suffer the most when i become busy/stressed. So every day I make my to-do list, and cleaning my house is always on there, but never marked off. Also, I forget to put on there "feed my family", so half the time these days they are fending for themselves. I am not sure why the sudden craziness, but it doesn't seem to be ending. Anyway, my kids were at the kitchen table eating some of their candy from our church's Trunk or Treat, when Benjamen hands me a 3 muskateers candy bar and said, "Mom, I saw on a commercial once that these are supposed to make you happy so you should eat one." I was laughing so hard inside, but I couldn't let him know that. He was being as sincere and honest as he possibly could. Leave it to the kids to keep it real for ya :)

Friday, October 16, 2009

The Thirteenth Tale

We just read this book last month for book club. This author is quite amazing! She probably is one of the better ones I have read, at least in a long time. The story line was somewhat disturbing, but if you can get past that, it really is a great book. I am excited to read it again. It is one of those books that the more times you read it, the more you pick up throughout. Let me know if you want to borrow it!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Benjamen's Surgery

My poor Benjamen has had a full couple of weeks! First on his birthday he got hit in the head with a golf club and ended up getting two staples put in his head. Then 2 weeks later he was baptised. THEN, this past Sunday, he fell off of a freezer(why he was up there, i do not know) and put his arm out to catch his fall--bad idea!!! His humurous bone(the bone between his shoulder and elbow) snapped in half and his arm twisted all the way around, also dislocating his shoulder. Poor guy! Anyway, we took him to the emergency room where they took the x-rays and informed us they would have to transfer us to a children's hospital so a pediatric ortho surgeon would have to operate that night. He had two pins put in his arm to hold his bone together and they will be there for 3 weeks. He cannot do PE or recess for 9 whole weeks. He is going to hate that! I documented his day from when we first got to the hospital to his ride in the ambulance to his post-surgery.

Youth Fall Festival

We had a multi-stake fall festival for our youth 14-18. It was a lot of fun. The theme this year was a western theme and we were all supposed to dress in western wear and such. It was fun to see everyone dressed in a way that none of us are really used to doing on a daily basis. Look at these great pics of the youth from my ward. It isn't all of them, but aren't they all so dang cute!!! I just love em all.

Benjamen's Baptism

I am finally posting some pics from Benjamen's baptism. I am so far behind on keeping this blog up to date. His baptism was such an exciting thing for our family. His Aunt Heidi flew down here from Utah to attend, and that really meant a lot to all of us. I am sorry I don't know how to change my pics around so they are all standing up, so please forgive that, and if you know how, let me know.

Silly Missionary!

The missionaries from our church are known for their clean cut, clean shaven looks, as well as white shirts and ties riding on bikes. With that said, my brother took the missionaries out to lunch one day and there was a little "vending machine" with fake mustaches in there, so Elder Wilms put his quarter in and happened to get a mustache that matched his hair perfectly!!! I had to get a pic becuase it was too hilarious. And in person, this looked sooooooooooo dang real!!!

Catherine's baby shower

I hosted a baby shower for my sister-in-law a few weeks ago. I have to tell you, I have never been in a room more full of talented people! Most of the gifts she got were home made, but looked even better than professional. Here are a few pics from the night.